
The birth of ‘Exuma’, the Song

The birth of ‘Exuma’, the Song

Morgan Alexander was strumming a guitar in the back of a tour bus, chugging across North Carolina, when inspiration struck. It had almost been a year since he had attended the first ever Exuma Unplugged, the first and only concert that combined the incredible talent of Nashville with the sounds of the Bahamas. After the…

Delta flight offers ‘endless growth’ for Exuma

Delta flight offers ‘endless growth’ for Exuma

Delta’s new daily, direct flight from Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport offers ‘endless growth’ for an emerging destination such as Exuma, according Edward Archer, the head of the Ministry of Tourism in Atlanta. Since December, Delta’s planes have been a common sight on the airstrip at George Town International Airport. An island with just 5,000 residents, and…